Did you know?

Greyhounds have a higher body temperature than any other dog

Posted on: 05th Dec 2024

Code of Fundraising Practice Registered

Home Run Hounds is now registered with the Fundraising Regulator and appears in their directory showing we have committed to follow the Code of Fundraising Practice  and to the Fundraising Promise

The code aims to: 

The following four values support all standards in the code. 

Legal: All fundraising must meet the requirements of the law.

Open: Fundraisers must be open with the public about their processes and must be willing to explain (where appropriate) if they are asked for more information.

Honest: Fundraisers must act with integrity and must not mislead the public about the cause they are fundraising for or the way a donation will be used. 

Respectful: Fundraisers must demonstrate respect whenever they have contact with any member of the public.

By registering donors and supporters will know that Home Run Hounds is an charity you can trust and have confidence in  -  our fundraising is legal, open, honest and respectful.

If you'd like to read the code visit: https://www.fundraisingregulator.org.uk/code