We are West Midlands and Lakenheath, Suffolk based Homing Centres specialising in finding homes for retired Greyhounds. Charity No. 1209071


Professionally Homing Ex Racing Greyhounds to Homes, Flats and Boats

Home Run Hounds Greyhound Charity (charity No. 1209071) offers a full Greyhound homing service for both seasoned and new Greyhound owners.

We are now registered with the Fundraising Regulator . Read more about this here.

Operating from 4 sites in Wombourne, Stourbridge, Shenstone near Lichfield and Lakenheath in Suffolk homing across the Country, we are passionate about finding the right homes for ex-racing Greyhounds.

We are Homing Centres that do not discriminate on age and will consider all homing opportunities for both the adopter and hounds in our care.

We are pleased to say that we are also working with the Boating Community to home suitable Greyhounds to boats and have volunteers who have expertise in this area. 

We also offer homing and foster opportunities to people living in flats ... again suitable assessments are carried out to ensure the right Greyhound is found.

We offer the opportunity to foster one of our "homeless" hounds for a weekend, a week or even longer, if you are keen to get to know the breed. We want to ensure that both you and the Greyhound are comfortable together. 

We are Registered Charity No 1209071, run entirely by volunteers who are totally focused on the health,  wellbeing and homing of our Greyhounds.

Contact Us

Are you new to Greyhounds?

They are a unique and special breed, so if you are not familiar with the traits of Greyhounds, please read our guide or email us with questions at hello@homerunhounds.co.uk

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Adopting a Greyhound is one of life's more rewarding experiences.

You can see a couple of our available hounds below but we have many more that are listed on our adoption page. You can also find information about the adoption process there. If you have any questions at all, please do not hesitate to contact us.

All our hounds have been happily homed - check back soon or contact us if you are interested in adopting.