Did you know?

Greyhounds come in 18 primary colors and over 55 different color combinations

Can't Adopt But Would Like to Help?

Sponsor one of our Greyhounds!

Sponsorship is a great way to help Home Run Hounds Greyhound Charity if you can’t adopt a Greyhound yourself OR is a great gift for an animal lover.

Sponsorship starts from as little as £3 per month per hound (£36 per year). You can, of course, give more if you wish or pay a lump sum by cheque or through a BACS payment to Home Run Hounds for a year’s sponsorship.

It costs Home Run Hounds over £5500.00 per month to look after the greyhounds in our care and your sponsorship will help us buy food, treats, toys and essential equipment as well as helping to pay for veterinary treatment for our “Forever” foster hounds who have special needs.

At Home Run Hounds Greyhound Charity we believe there is a "forever"home for every hound. However, some homes can take a little longer to find than others especially for hounds who maybe a little older, or who need that extra bit of care, so sponsorship of one of our hounds or kennels can assist to look after them until their “forever home” is found.

We hope you like the selection of hounds, some are in foster care, while others are in ‘Forever Homes’ but are still medically supported by Home Run Hounds.

As a Sponsor, you will receive:

To find out more you can download our Greyhound Sponsor Form