Did you know?

When running, greyhounds spend 75% of their time in the air

Another Home Run Hounds Success Story!


Read all about LIONEL (DROOPY'S HIGHLITE)'s successful rehoming below.


Here is the happy homing that we’ve all been waiting for... we all knew Lionel would make a fab pet but somehow he wasn’t able to convince visitors....After almost 12 months in kennels we’re soooo pleased that he is home at last with volunteer Jo Ball and her family.
We know how hard it is to lose a beloved pet and then take that leap into opening your heart and home to another, but that is exactly what Jo did. Enjoy her story....

“After the heartbreak of losing our lovely whippet to a long illness, we were hesitant to consider taking on another dog, along with the worries of ‘how can we do this around work,’ ‘what about holidays,’ ‘do we even have the energy?!’ The list goes on for the perpetual worrier!

But then…..along came Lionel Handsome laid back Lionel had been waiting for his forever home since January. My daughter and I volunteer at HRH and Lionel first cast his spell (those sad eyes) on Katy, I quickly followed. Fortunately, Lionel had been lucky enough to recently spend time at fellow volunteers homes, so chatting to them and reading the very informative facebook reviews about his stays definitely made our minds up to give Lionel a go via the foster to adopt scheme.
Fast forward 2 weeks and Lionel has found his forever home. We’re not sure whether it was Lionel or us who first decided he was here to stay but we certainly knew almost immediately that this was a perfect fit, it was meant to be.

We’ve kicked out all the reservations, work - he fits round it, holidays - he can come with us, energy -we’ve got loads more now he’s here!!! And replaced those old worries with plans for future holidays and days out to look forward to with Lionel”

We’re delighted being adopted by Jo has changed Lionel’s life but we’re equally delighted that it’s changed the lives of his humans, too.

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